We all know the problems with doomscrolling and spending too much time on our phones, but even though we want to spend less time on them, it’s hard to do.
Some people talk about going back to simple phones—called “dumbphones”—so they can escape all the constant notifications and pings. But for most of us, that’s not a long-term solution because we need our smartphones for so many things in our daily lives.
A better option might be finding a middle ground. We don’t have to completely give up our phones and tablets, but we can figure out ways to take breaks from the endless distractions like TikTok, YouTube, and news alerts.
While phones like iPhones and Androids have some tools to help with digital well-being, and there are many apps to limit screen time, these are often easy to ignore. That’s why TechCrunch has put together a list of some great gadgets that can help you take a break from being always connected—without cutting you off from the world completely. The key here is balance.
These devices all have different ways of helping reduce smartphone addiction, but they all work by making it a little harder to get lost in the digital world. And yes, you pay for the privilege!